Today I would like to talk about people who willfully sabotage peoples diets. Last week I went to a party and I heard," here you can have a little piece of this cake". I have actually heard it all before. I have to really be careful around these people. This is because I have a addictive personality. For instance if there is a box of candy in the house and I eat one piece I will keep going back until I eat the whole box. Hence it is better for me not to even temp myself with a taste. I had a ex boyfriend that really liked to sabotage. He would say you don't have to eat this, but smell how good it smells. Then he would put it under my nose. He couldn't understand why I would get mad. Many times at holidays, birthday, and vacations I have heard oh it's just for today. You can get back on your diet tomorrow, or when you get back home. How about when's the next time you will have a chance to eat this kind of food. A little bit won't hurt you! Splurge, live a little, have fun......You get the picture. I must be strong and not buckle under the pressure of these people. I think these people really do not understand that what they are doing is harmful to someone whom is trying to really watch there food intake. I don't expect others to eat any differently around me, just don't ask me to try your food. Another thing is don't try and talk me out of my daily routine. I have a hard time saying no to people and so if someone calls and I had planned to work out I will not always say no to them because I feel their needs come first. I must realize my needs come first now, that my health is on the line. I also know that there are specific foods out there that will trigger me to binge eat. I also have to stay away from those foods like a alcoholic does with alcohol. There are so many people out there who are very supportive and you know who you are! Thank you for walking this road by my side! xo
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