Blogs > Lighten Up with Cynthia

40-year-old Cynthia Frary of Painesville signed up for Lighten Up for a simple reason: To save her life. After suffering a heart attack, Frary's doctor told her that if she didn't lose weight, it was a death sentence. She got serious after that and she's on her way to a healthy life.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Negative Nelly

Negative Nelly reared her ugly head today!  I felt very overwhelmed.  I did not even want to get moving today.  I slept extra long and did no exercise.  I did watch what I ate though.  Can you believe that I am still tired after lounging around all day doing next to nothing.  I need to get myself kicked into overdrive here.  We are down to one week from today for the next way in.  This is no time to let my guard down.  I did not even do the usual going to the dog park today.  The sky was gloomy just like my mood.  I am not sure why I get into these moods.  I tend to be very positive for the most part.  I just didn't feel it today.  Now that we are in the very late evening hours I feel even more mad at myself for the letting the day slip idly by.  I think tomorrow I need some spiritual up lifting.  Sunday is just the day for such a task.  I think a swim might also help the mood.  I will let you know how I kick Negative Nelly to the curb!  All things are possible! xo


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